In the context of application of the current legal framework and in accordance with the provisions of Article 17 of Law 4706/2020 and Article 4 of the Decision of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission (Decision 2/905 /3.3.2021 of the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission), the Company has adopted, with the decision of its Board of Directors dated 16.7.2021, in replacement of the Code of Corporate Governance of SEV (2013), the Greek Corporate Governance Code (June 2021) of the Hellenic Corporate Governance Council, with deviations that are consistent with the specific characteristics of the Company, making its management more flexible and functional. The deviations, in accordance with the provisions of the Hellenic Corporate Governance Code, will be reported and justified in the annual report of the Company’s Board of Directors, specifically in the section concerning the Corporate Governance Statement.

The adopted Code, in its initial version (without deviations), is available in the address below:ΕΣΕΔ+-+Κώδικας+Εταιρικής+Διακυβέρνησης+2021.pdf

The Company does not apply additional Corporate Governance practices, other than those provided for by the Greek Corporate Governance Code and the applicable legislation.

The BoD may make amendments to the Code of Corporate Governance or the deviations that it applies. In that case, the amended text or/and the deviations will be posted on the Company website, following the relevant announcement.