In General

The Remunerations and Candidates’ Nomination Committee of the Company (henceforth the Committee) is a committee of the Board of Directors and has been constituted in order to support the Board of Directors in fulfilling its obligations regarding the shareholders, (a) in respect of ensuring that the nomination of candidates for the Board of Directors is based on merit and with objective criteria, and (b) in respect of ensuring that the Company’s Remuneration Policy is adhered to and applied accordingly.

The operation and the duties of the Committee are described in detail in its Rules of Operation, which are approved by the Company’s Board of Directors and uploaded on the Company’s website ( The Rules are in accordance with Law 4548/2018 and Law 4706/2020.

The present Committee is comprised of the following three members and fulfills the conditions of article 10, par. 2 of Law 4706/2020.

  • Apostolos Petalas, Independent Non Executive Member of the B.o.D.
  • Athanasios Chrisafidis son of Paschalis, independent non executive member of the BoD
  • Georgios Vletsos son of Christos, independent non – executive member.

The Committee’s term of office is three years, following the BoD’s term of office, and expires on the 02.06.2025, extended until the end of the term, within which the Ordinary General Meeting of 2025 must be convened.

Mr. Apostolos Petalas has been appointed as Chairman of the Committe by its members. CVs of the members of the Committee can be found in the relevant link in the Board of Directors.


Rules of Operation – Remuneration and Candidate BoD Members Committee