6 December 2017
Law 3556/2007 (as amended by L. 4374/2016) (in Greek) Decision 1/434/2007 of the BoD of HCMC – click here (in Greek) Circular 33/3.7.2207 of HCMC –click […]
Pursuant to the Stock Exchange Legislation (Law 3556/2007, Ν 4374/2016, Decision 1/434 / 3.7.2007 of the BoD of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission, as amended by Decision No 12/754 / 14.4.2016 of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission (Government Gazette 1345/2016), Circular 33 / 3.7.2007 of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission), the Company announces information regarding the obligation and the procedure for the publication of significant holdings with a view to informing and facilitating its shareholders.